Preventing Jury Boredom
With modern graphics, you can present complex procedures and information with a new level of clarity and authority. 
In the seventh edition of his Trial Techniques, attorney and bestselling litigation author Thomas Mauet talks about effective courtroom presentations being akin to the dynamic format of broadcast news: "If this is what makes people watch television news, it speaks volumes about how lawyers...should try cases".  He continues:  "They expect interesting visual aids. And they want it all to be easy and enjoyable. Anything less and you've violated the 'boring rule' and jurors will quickly change channels".
The Fortune 500 Difference
Why is it that we can sit rapt for hours watching a movie or television program, while a single juror nodding off can jeopardize a trial?  With attention spans dropping, the importance of keeping jurors stimulated has never been more important.

Daniel Richman, a Columbia law school professor and former federal prosecutor, commented in the New York Times that commanding the interest of jurors was not easy because they often expected a trial to be as entertaining as a television courtroom drama.

Therein lays the challenge and the opportunity. The Fortune 500 successfully influences the decisions of millions of customers a day. Your next case can have that same proven visual firepower behind it.
Busy visuals loaded with detail and text can overwhelm and intimidate
your jury. Fortune 500 companies employ modern visual communication
that influences millions of decisions daily and will help you prevail.
Cisco Systems
Complex graphics are a distraction to your case. 
Clarity is key. 
-National Institute for Trial Advocacy 
If complex information on one slide is needed like above, a best practice is to build the information slowly on the slide for the jury which allows them to become emotionally invested in your case as they follow you along.
Complex graphics are a distraction to your case. 
Clarity is key. 
-National Institute for Trial Advocacy 
If complex information on a slide is needed like above, a best practice is to build the information slowly on screen for the jury which allows them to become emotionally invested in your case as they follow you along.
Today's decision makers expect engaging, 
compelling graphics.

And R7 Media delivers.
Graphics that influence millions of decisions every day
Graphics that influence 12 people at a time